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Gardner Grade School

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Community Resources


WeCare of Grundy County | 520 W. Illinois Ave. Morris, IL | 815.942.6389 | Website

Grundy County Health Department | 1320 Union St. Morris, IL | 815.941.3404 | Website

LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) | 815.941.3404 | Website

Grundy County Workforce | 815.942.0566 | Website

Kendall-Grundy Community Action | 1802 N. Division St. Morris, IL | 815.941.3262 | Website

Child Care Resource & Referral | Grundy, Kankakee, Kendall, and Will Counties | 801 N. Larkin Ave. Suite 202 Joliet, IL 60435 | 800.641.4622 | Website

Grundy County Housing  Authority | 1700 Newton Place Morris, IL | 815.942.6198 | Website

American Red Cross (Grundy County Chapter) | 117 W. Washington St.  Morris, IL | 815.942.1046 | Website


Grundy Transit System (GTS) |  888.786.0862 | Website | Monday-Friday (6am-6pm) | Rides are only $3 each way within Grundy County and $4 outside the county. Rides must be scheduled 24 hours in advance.                                               


Groundwork/Guardian Angel | 1550 Plainfield Rd. Joliet, IL 60435 | 815.729.1228 or 815.941.2261 | Website

DayBreak (Catholic Charities Multiple services) | 201 N. Liberty Suite 241  Morris, IL | 815.941.2560 or 815.774.4663 ext. 3130  | Website

Grundy County PADS (October-April) | 815.942.6389 or 815.942.0336 | Monday - Sunday 7am-7pm | Website

Morningstar Mission Ministries | 350 E. Washington St. Joliet, IL | 815.722.5780 | Website

Section 8 Housing | Housing Authority for LaSalle County | 526 E. Norris Dr. Ottawa, IL | 815.434.0380 | Website


Coal City Food Pantry | 6805 E. McArdle Rd Coal City, IL | 815.634.8260 | Monday 9am-11am, Thursday 1pm-3pm | Email: ccumc@sbcglobal.com

First Presbyterian Church | E. Jackson St. Morris, IL | 815.942.1871 or 815.942.5068

Catholic Charities Mobile Food Truck | Call the Catholic Charities Joliet Diocese at 815.723.3405 | Check the schedule

Church of Hope | 202 N. Monroe St. Gardner, IL | Call Crystal 815.274.7765 or the church office 815.237.8312 for an appointment | Website | The Church of Hope Food Pantry will provide food in an emergency to people who live in Gardner, South Wilmington, East Brooklyn, and Braceville. The Food Pantry is open by appointment only. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-12:00pm 

Mobile Food Pantry Schedule | Website

Micropantries | Gardner Firehouse - 206 Depot St. Gardner IL 60424 | Braceville City Hall - 300 S Mitchell St. Braceville IL | Saint Lawrence Church - 165 E Rice Rd. South Wilmington, IL | Website

Free Summer Meals

Northern Illinois Food Bank


St. Vincent De Paul Society | 1427 Division St. Morris, IL | 815.942.9288 | Website

Joliet Hope Center | 511 Oak Leaf Ct, A, Joliet, IL | 574.867.1218 | Website

Contact Mrs. Norris, Social Worker, at 815.237.2313

Christmas Assistance

WeCare of Grundy County |  Website

Grundy County Heroes & Helpers | Website

Help and Crisis Lines

Crisis Text Line | Text 741741 to text with trained counselor | Website

Grundy County Crisis Line 815.942.6611

Will County Crisis Line  815.485.7366

Grundy County 2-1-1, dial 211 from any phone | Website | This a service that connects people in need to local health and human service resources and programs; from basic human needs to crisis response; including disaster relief and suicide assessment/intervention. All calls are free, anonymous, and confidential.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1.800.273.TALK (8255)

Teen Line Text: TEEN to 839863 | Website | This is a confidential hotline for teenagers which operates every evening from 8:00pm to 12:00pm CST. If you have a problem or just want to talk with another teen who understands, then this is the right place for you!

Help Hotlines | Website | This is a national hotline that provide anonymous, confidential information to callers.

Teens in Crisis Website | Teencentral is powered by KidsPeace as a free and safe prevention and intervention resource for youth. TeenCentral supports youth in a capacity that is unique from the traditional array of behavioral health services. In fact, TeenCentral often bridges the gap between services, offering youth an immediate resource for safe information and support. 

Mental Health

Grundy Eunoia Wellness Center | 815-941-0852606 Depot St. Mazon, IL | julie@cfgrundycounty.com | 501c3 charity that will provide mental health services to Grundy youth birth to 18 regardless of ability to pay

Screening Assessment Support Services | 1.800.345.9049 (SASS) | Website24/7 Mental Health Assessment for any child who is eligible for Medicaid insurance.

Counseling/Therapy | 515 Fitness, Coal City, IL | 630.352.7267 | info.coalcity@515fitnessinc.com | Website | There is no typical session at 515 Fitness, however, there is a typical structure to a session. Each 60-minute individual session takes place with your own personal therapist in a private, separate studio without interference. Cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, yoga, art therapy, music therapy and play therapy are just a few of the techniques that are typically utilized with clients during these sessions. Exercise activities include paddle boarding, weightlifting, biking, running and tennis. They currently provide services to all age groups ranging from 3-75 years old. Also included at the end of each session is a nutritious, homemade smoothie to replenish and nourish your body with essential nutrients. With 2-5 sessions per week they provide quicker results and consistency to build habits that will improve everyday lifestyle and well-being.

Joliet Behavioral Health & Associates | 300 Republic Ave. Joliet, IL |815.725.1440 | Website | Psychiatry, child and adolescent counseling

Duly Health and Care | 1401 Lakewood Dr., Morris, IL | 815.942.6323 | Website | Duly’s behav­ioral and men­tal health ser­vices, for­mer­ly known as The Insti­tute for Per­son­al Devel­op­ment (IPD), pro­vide pro­gres­sive psy­cho­log­i­cal, psy­chi­atric and inte­gra­tive med­i­cine ser­vices to our patients. The mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary team includes child, ado­les­cent and adult psy­chi­a­trists, psy­chol­o­gists, health and well­ness physi­cians, nurse prac­ti­tion­ers and therapists who ser­vice indi­vid­u­als of all ages, fam­i­lies and cou­ples in both indi­vid­ual and group settings. The clin­i­cians are spe­cial­ists who take a nur­tur­ing, patient-cen­tered approach using a vari­ety of tra­di­tion­al and non-tra­di­tion­al ther­a­pies, emerg­ing meth­ods and tech­nolo­gies to help individuals achieve long-last­ing men­tal, emo­tion­al and phys­i­cal wellbeing.

Crossroads Counseling Services | 1802 N. Divison Street ~ Suite 509 Morris, IL | 815.941.3882 | Website | behavioral/emotional counseling, addiction services, medication management 

Linden Oaks Behavioral Health | 852 South West Street, Naperville, IL | 630.305.5027 | Website | behavioral and mental health assessment/services, including inpatient and outpatient treatment plus recovery programs for depression, substance abuse, eating disorders and more.

Alex E. McKibbin, M.S., L.C.P.C., L.S.O.T.P | 24402 W. Lockport Ste. #224, Plainfield, IL | 630.456.2519 | Website | adolescent and adult therapy, depression, anxiety, ADHD, panic attacks, PTSD, bipolar, relationship issues, etc.

Guardian Angel | Grundy Community Lending and Grief Support | 518 W. Illinois Ave, Morris, Il. | 815.942.8525 | Website | We are a non-profit organization with the purpose of helping people in our community.  We lend medical equipment, supply personal products and support for those who are suffering great sorrow.

Grundy County Health Department Mental Health | 1320 Union St., Morris, IL | 815.941.3140 | Website 

Will County Center for Community Concerns | Website

Garfrield Township | 301 N. Liberty St. Gardner, IL | 815.237.2716 | Rent assistance, emergency funding, by appointment only. Call to ask for an application.

The school often has items donated (bookbags, school supplies, winter coats, gloves, hats, clothes). If you are in need of any of these items, contact your child's teacher with the size you are looking for.